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Comprehensive Atmosphere N' Ocean Engine
This is the complete list of members for ConcentrationInversion, including all inherited members.
CalculateFitTarget(Radiation const *prad, Real *val, int nvalue, int k, int j) const | Inversion | inlinevirtual |
ConcentrationInversion(MeshBlock *pmb, ParameterInput *pin, std::string name) | ConcentrationInversion | |
fit_differential_ | Inversion | protected |
GetDims() const | Inversion | inline |
GetLogProbability(int k) const | Inversion | inline |
GetName() const | NamedGroup | inline |
GetSteps() const | Inversion | inline |
GetValues() const | Inversion | inline |
GetWalkers() const | Inversion | inline |
getX2Span() const | Inversion | inlinevirtual |
icov_ | Inversion | protected |
idx_ | ConcentrationInversion | protected |
init_pos_ | Inversion | protected |
InitializeChain(int nstep, int nwalker, int ndim, int nvalue) | Inversion | |
InitializePositions() override | ConcentrationInversion | virtual |
Inversion(MeshBlock *pmb, ParameterInput *pin, std::string name) | Inversion | |
jl_ | Inversion | protected |
ju_ | Inversion | protected |
LoadFITSOutputData(OutputType *pod, int *num_vars) const override | Inversion | inlinevirtual |
LogPosteriorProbability(Radiation *prad, Hydro *phydro, Real const *par, Real *val, int k) const | Inversion | inlinevirtual |
MakeMCMCOutputs(std::string fname) | Inversion | |
mcmc_initialized_ | Inversion | private |
MCMCInit(Radiation *prad, Hydro *phydro) | Inversion | |
MCMCMove(Radiation *prad, Hydro *phydro) | Inversion | |
MCMCSave(Hydro *phydro) | Inversion | |
myname_ | NamedGroup | private |
name_ | Inversion | protected |
NamedGroup(std::string name) | NamedGroup | inlineexplicit |
opts_ | Inversion | private |
par_ | Inversion | private |
pmy_block_ | Inversion | protected |
recs_ | Inversion | private |
ResetChain() | Inversion | |
SetLogProbability(int k, Real lnp) | Inversion | inline |
setX2Indices(int j) | Inversion | inline |
ShouldFITSOutput(std::string variable_name) const override | Inversion | inlinevirtual |
target_ | Inversion | protected |
UpdateConcentration(Hydro *phydro, Real *Xp, int k, int jl, int ju) const | ConcentrationInversion | |
UpdateHydro(Hydro *phydro, ParameterInput *pin) const | Inversion | inlinevirtual |
Xstd_ | ConcentrationInversion | protected |
zz_ | Inversion | private |
~ConcentrationInversion() | ConcentrationInversion | |
~FITSOutputGroup() | FITSOutputGroup | inlinevirtual |
~Inversion() | Inversion | virtual |
~NamedGroup() | NamedGroup | inlinevirtual |