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Comprehensive Atmosphere N' Ocean Engine
This is the complete list of members for Thermodynamics, including all inherited members.
beta_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
calDlnTDlnP(AirParcel const &qfrac, Real latent[]) const | Thermodynamics | protected |
cloud_index_set_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
cloud_reaction_map_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
cp_ratio_mass_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
cp_ratio_mole_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
cv_ratio_mass_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
cv_ratio_mole_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
delta_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
Destroy() | Thermodynamics | static |
enrollVaporFunctions() | Thermodynamics | protected |
EquilibrateTP(AirParcel *qfrac) const | Thermodynamics | |
EquivalentPotentialTemp(MeshBlock *pmb, Real p0, int v, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
Extrapolate(AirParcel *qfrac, Real dzORdlnp, Method method, Real grav=0., Real userp=0.) const | Thermodynamics | |
fromLegacyInput(ParameterInput *pin) | Thermodynamics | protectedstatic |
fromYAMLInput(YAML::Node node) | Thermodynamics | protectedstatic |
gammad_ref_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
GetChi(AirParcel const &qfrac) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetChi(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetCloudIndex(int i, int j) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCpMass(AirParcel const &qfrac, int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCpMass(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetCpMassRef(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCpMole(AirParcel const &qfrac, int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCpRatioMass(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCpRatioMole(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCvMass(AirParcel const &qfrac, int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCvMass(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetCvMassRef(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCvMole(AirParcel const &qfrac, int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCvRatioMass(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetCvRatioMole(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
getDensityMole(AirParcel const &qfrac) const | Thermodynamics | protected |
GetEnthalpyMass(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetGamma(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetGammad(AirParcel const &var) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetGammadRef() const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetInstance() | Thermodynamics | static |
getInternalEnergyMole(AirParcel const &qfrac) const | Thermodynamics | protected |
GetInvMu(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetInvMuRatio(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetLatentEnergyMass(int n, Real temp=0.) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetLatentEnergyMole(int n, Real temp=0.) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetLatentHeatMass(int i, std::vector< Real > const &rates, Real temp) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetLatentHeatMole(int i, std::vector< Real > const &rates, Real temp) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetMu(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetMu(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetMuRatio(int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetPres(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
GetRd() const | Thermodynamics | inline |
GetTemp(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
InitFromAthenaInput(ParameterInput *pin) | Thermodynamics | static |
inv_mu_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
inv_mu_ratio_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
latent_energy_mass_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
latent_energy_mole_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
Method enum name | Thermodynamics | |
MoistStaticEnergy(MeshBlock const *pmb, Real gz, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
mu_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
mu_ratio_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
mythermo_ | Thermodynamics | protectedstatic |
NPHASE enum value | Thermodynamics | protected |
p3_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
PotentialTemp(MeshBlock *pmb, Real p0, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
Rd_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
RefPres | Thermodynamics | static |
RefTemp | Thermodynamics | static |
RelativeHumidity(MeshBlock const *pmb, int n, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | |
RelativeHumidity(AirParcel const &qfrac, int n) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
rk4IntegrateLnp(AirParcel *qfrac, Real dlnp, Method method, Real adlnTdlnP) const | Thermodynamics | protected |
rk4IntegrateZ(AirParcel *qfrac, Real dlnp, Method method, Real grav, Real adlnTdlnP) const | Thermodynamics | protected |
RovRd(AirParcel const &qfrac) const | Thermodynamics | |
RovRd(MeshBlock const *pmb, int k, int j, int i) const | Thermodynamics | inline |
sa_ftol_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
sa_max_iter_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
sa_relax_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
SaturationAdjustment(AirColumn &ac) const | Thermodynamics | |
setTotalEquivalentVapor(AirParcel *qfrac) const | Thermodynamics | protected |
Size enum value | Thermodynamics | |
svp_func1_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
svp_func2_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
SVPFunc1Container typedef | Thermodynamics | |
SVPFunc2Container typedef | Thermodynamics | |
t3_ | Thermodynamics | protected |
Thermodynamics() | Thermodynamics | inlineprotected |
TryEquilibriumTP_VaporCloud(AirParcel const &qfrac, int ivapor, Real cv_hat=0., bool misty=false) const | Thermodynamics | |
TryEquilibriumTP_VaporVaporCloud(AirParcel const &air, IndexPair ij, Real cv_hat=0., bool misty=false) const | Thermodynamics | |
updateTPConservingU(AirParcel *qfrac, Real rmole, Real umole) const | Thermodynamics | protected |
~Thermodynamics() | Thermodynamics |